Welcome to The Burned-In Teacher Podcast

One part burnout and all other parts action, inspiration, and support for teachers dealing with burnout. 

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In this episode, I interview Nancy Ynchaustegui - a veteran middle school science teacher and health coach that empowers her students and clients to embrace their uniqueness and challenge the status quo. She empowers teachers by teaching them how...


In this episode, Janelle Owens shares how she's used what she learned from her experience with Burned-In Teacher three years ago today. She shares her biggest take-aways, how her life has changed over the last three years, and her advice to...


In this episode, I go solo to share a snippet of my Burned-In Teacher Workshop: How to Beat Teacher Burnout, Even When It Seems Impossible.

Here's what you'll learn in the complete workshop: 

  • Why the old way of practicing self-care isn't...

In this episode, I go solo to talk about the excuses that you could be making that are holding you back and therefore, holding you in burnout for far too long. It can be easy to say, "I can't..." and when it comes to teacher burnout, I know that...


In this episode, I chat with Dan Tricarico - AKA The Zen Teacher - about how he used his burnout as an opportunity to start inspiring other teachers to live a more Zen lifestyle. During this interview, we talk about how it’s sometimes...


In this episode, I share my top reasons for being so grateful to be back in the classroom after taking three years to work on Burned-In Teacher full time. I have missed the classroom and most of what comes along with it for some time and I'm...


Lessons in Simplifying to Increase Teacher Productivity with Angela Watson

This is a pivotal moment in my journey - a moment of self-reflection, regrouping, and revival. As I stand at the cusp of a new chapter in my teaching career, I find myself...


In this episode, Sarah shares her teaching journey and her decision to transition out of the classroom. In this interview, Sarah proves that the decision to leave the classroom doesn't always have to be because of a negative experience or toxic...


In this episode, I have a conversation with Daphne Williams of The Teacher Career Coach about what it looks and feels like to consider leaving a classroom or school setting to do something different. In light of the tremendous amount of stress...



In the final episode of her takeover for the Stand With Educators series, Alexis discusses how the "First Steps to Systemic Change" and reframing the "Principal Paradigm" can contribute to creating cultures of wellness in our schools. She...


50% Complete

Two Step

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